Services We Offer

What We Do

We act primarily on behalf of defendants, as instructed by insurers and solicitors. In the last two years we have represented around 20 companies, mostly on a regular basis, but occasionally as a “one off”.


Business suppliers fall into 5 main categories – 

1)  GB-based insurers who underwrite in Northern Ireland but who do not have sufficient business to maintain a          ….permanent claims presence.

2)  Local insurers.

3)  Solicitors.

4) Claims handling offices.

5) Self-insuring companies.


Two Drivers Arguing After Traffic Accident


Traditionally the majority of our work relates to traffic accidents, but over the last 5 years we have seen an increase in public and employers’ liability cases.


Our work is primarily in the following areas –

1) Drivers’ detailed statements.

2) Locus reports – photographs, sketches.

3) Checking indemnity issues.

4) Providing full liability reports.

5) Locating witnesses.

6) Taking witness statements.

7) Detecting and advising on possible fraudulent claims.

8) Full investigation of liability claims.

9) Negotiating injury settlements pre-proceedings.


For more information please contact us